And So I Go: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Bloggers who are in a class by themselves  Leslie uses the classic to analyze the present.  Beautifully written and heart breakingly true

7 Responses to "Bloggers who are in a class by themselves"

It is Leslie’s blog that makes her one of my four chosen Bloggers in a Class by Themselves. There are so many really truly great bloggers out there, but these four impress me for different reasons and just stand out from the others for their individuality.

Leslie is a political blogger and would agree with everything you are saying. I especially love her blog because she is so creative in getting across her message. She uses the classics and humor and special videos. Today’s post was of Red Skelton explaining the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. I don’t know where she found this old video but it is a gem and so typical of her.

Jeff Dreibus is just so passionately sincere. He too is a good engaging writer, but it is his passion that stirs me.

Leave Me Alone I am Digging: a blog on gardening and all God’s creatures. This writer is truly in love with Mother Earth and it shows in every post. He makes me want the peace of digging to even with my pathetic brown thumb.

Stewart Pittman is a cameraman or photog as he calls himself. He rides around town all day looking for stories for the local tv station. He takes wonderful pictures, but his true talent is just plain writing. You don’t have to be interested in Stew’s topic or even understand what he is talking about to enjoy his writing.

Try them all why don’t you. Then go down the right hand column of my site to my list of National and International political bloggers for some great posts on the topics that you are most concerned with. Most are more commentators than my blog, but they are knowledgeable and accurate in their information given. Some others post more on the style I have adopted of just getting out information with a bit of commentary.

I began as a commentator until last summer when I finally admitted to myself that Obama was going to take the White House and I had to try to let people know what his agenda for America really was. That is when I began the format I now use of passing on and referring other sources of facts. Of course I get my two cents worth in too since I am after all “an opinionated older lady” (except I ain’t no lady!). 🙂 BB

Hi Patriot!

My name is Elaine and I’m trying to get important information out to Tea Party Patriots.

You probably aren’t aware of the huge sums of money, hidden by government at ALL levels. Please check out to learn just how corrupt our federal, state and local governments are!

Please share this information with all Patriots. The American people have been and ARE being ripped off by the most horendous (govt) ponzee scheme imaginable!

Thanks, and God bless!

Heres a true blog site

Learn the Truth People

Sorry No Side, you can not hide under “Anonymous”. I delete your comments because I will not tolerate nastiness or raving. When you offer facts and even your opinion on the facts I present in a intelligent adult fashion I allow them. This comment I will allow because I encourage my readers to read all sides and understand what We the People are up against. BB

Brenda, how does one get into your special bloggers class? Ken Moyes’ weblog.

they are people whose blog I especially like for one reason o another. I have deliberately not included any of very many really outstanding political blogs because there are just too many. Of course Leslie is a political blogger but she is so much more. Her delivery of information is also creative and informative in itself. Jeff is no longer blogging but he was to me the typical informed angry American. Stewart is just plain the best writer on the local blog and a real pro at his day job. Stew could write the phone book and somehow make it interesting IMO.

I just love “leave me alone I’m digging” is a great gardening blog that is down to earth common” me and you speak”. He talks veggies, bugs, birds and flowers like I think when I am working my garden.

Questions for Greensboro acts as our local conscience and we in Greensboro certainly need one. Perhaps all cities need one but we are lucky enough to have him, if only people like our elected leaders would listen.

I personally love your blog but like mine you are more or less running with the pack tho a whole lot more polished than most. sincerely, BB

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