And So I Go: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals

Posted on: March 12, 2009 Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor’s Business Daily — Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals.

“The government now funds about half of Public Allies’ expenses through Clinton’s AmeriCorps.   Obama wants to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing $500 billion.  “We’ve got to  have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the military.”

I have been reading about this  Public Allies program in various news  reports, news letters and blogs.  It sounds  good on its web site.  Promising to place adults  18-30 in community leadership positions, pay them $1800 a month plus health care and child care,  and give them a parting gift of $4725. at the end of the year.  It’s web site also claims approximately 70% of it’s members are minorities.

What do they do for this?   Well, work in some non-profit or community service organizing effort, attend weekly workshops and 3 retreats.  What are these weekly workshops about?  One former Public Allies recruit, Nelly Nieblas, 29, of the 2005 Los Angeles class said, “It was too touchy-feely for me.”… “It’s a lot of talk about race, a lot of talk about sexism, a lot of talk about homophobia, talk about -isms and phobias.”

When you remember what President Obama had said about the Public Allies  (see first paragraph) and then you read what they are all about and hear what former members say about them you must ask yourself just why we as a nation need this  so-called “civilian national security force” which the President wants to be as large and powerful and well funded  as our military?  And ask yourself if their training is  the training you would want this large national civilian security force to have in order to guard your security.  I can tell you that our military has training in the laws of the land, patriotism and love of country.

Just one more thing about President Obama’s agenda that scares the hell out of me Folks.  BB

11 Responses to "Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals"


Remember about ten-twenty years ago when the Feds were thinking about classifying all right-wing citizen militias as “terrorist groups” so that they could be easily outlawed?

My, my . . . how things do change when the gonzos are on the PC side of the fence. The government not only endorses them, but sets up the program and PAYS ’em to participate. This speaks volumes about Obama’s agenda.

And folks should be scared — more than anything else The One has implemented, this calls to mind the Hitlerjugen and citizen “Brownshirt” programs of Nazi Germany. At the very least, a parallel between this initiative and whatever communist China calls its youth/young adult indoctrination programs is inescapable.

Jeff Dreibus

Yes Jeff, exactly. And Obama has the email addresses of millions of people who supported him in his campaign as a good base to start this program. They are working on it now in fact from what i can gather. Now he steps up with his reforms for education and programs that he is pushing. I did a post during the campaign about his plans and the programs he is pushing “Do you want your children brainwashed?” that is still getting hits. It’s all coming together beautifully and some people are seeing the connections. How to stop it? BB


I have no idea how to stop it except to continue to blog about it (at least, until people get sick enough of it to actually get out into the street and protest — by which time our rights to free speech and peaceful assembly will no doubt be history). If anything will do so, exposure of this little scheme could be the key to putting a crimp in it.

At any rate, thank you for bringing this issue to my attention (and that of all of your other readers). Do you mind if I spin-off from your post about this topic and post something similar on ITRODGYTLOW (with credit and a link to this site, of course)?

Jeff Dreibus

Don’t mind at all Jeff and you needn’t give credit or reference unless my article adds to yours. We all get ideas from each others thoughts and then go our own direction with them.

You might want to check out a very good site that I often spin off of as well as quote: Maggie’s Notebook. You will find her site on today’s post on Durban II. This lady is sharp. BB

Thanks, Brenda.


“Yes Jeff, exactly…” — Brenda

Really? Twenty years ago, George HW Bush was president. Jeff either doesn’t know what he is talking about or he doesn’t know how to count.

Jeff knows exactly what he is talking about Roch. And yes Bush senior was President at the time and there were right wing paramilitary groups hiding out in isolated woods out West training for the day the bad guys took over the government that the FBI were watching closely. Later Clinton had some real problems with some very extreme right wing fanatics.

The left has no copyright on fanaticism; merely many more such characters and groups who are so much more irrational and vocal. BB

No Thanks. Thomas Jefferson established the Civilian National Security force in the U.S. Constitution’s 2nd Amendment. Anything else is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

We are with you on that Robboek. The United States Armed Forces were formed by the 2nd. Continental Congress to fight the British in the Revolutionary War and then disbanded until called upon to service again. it was a citizens army because the Founding Fathers did not trust standing armies. A peacetime Army did not become the law of the land until 1941.

The US National Guard is both an outgrowth of the original Civilian National Security Force and the United States Army-Air Force. The United States Armed Forces are under the command of the President of the United States. The National Guard units are under the control of the individual state Governors in the states in which they reside. Anything else is, as you say, UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The Public Allies is posturing as being akin to the Peace Corp and the America Corp, but they are in fact far from these service oriented groups.

The Obama’s and cohorts plans are not to arm the Public Allies ; it is to radicalize them so that at the right time they can create chaos all over the United States. They will be called upon to further Obama’s agenda and of course see that he is elected in 2012. After that they will continue to be politically active. Of course they will be armed since a good many of them will be from the criminal class or created criminals under the guidance of the Public Allies.

Fine use of our tax dollars wouldn’t you say?

I have not noticed you being here before. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. BB

What is this called Obama youth core sounds like Hitlers reincarnated. And they get brand new clothing to boot! scary ,very scary!! indoctrination for left wing causes

Yes, it is scary. And some of us were saying so before the election because Obama made no secret of his plans. We who cried wolf before were called nuts. So now it is happening. Stay tuned because there is much more to come.

DotDot thank you for visiting my site. BB

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