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President Obama Fires Inspector General Walpin for stepping on the wrong toes. (UPDATED)

Posted on: June 13, 2009

First we should understand just what it is the Inspector General does:

Mission, Vision, and Core Values


As mandated by the Inspector General Act of 1978, the mission of the Office of Inspector General is to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and detect and prevent waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in the programs and operations of the Department of Commerce. To fulfill this mission, we conduct audits, evaluations, and investigations of the Department’s programs and operations. The objective of our work is provide timely, useful, and reliable information to Commerce officials, the Administration, Congress, and the public that improves the Department’s management, operations, and delivery of services.

Vision Statement

To create a high-quality work environment that promotes excellence and confidence in the programs and operations of the Department of Commerce.

Core Values

The Office of Inspector General is committed to

  • Independence, objectivity, and integrity
  • Accountability
  • The public interest
  • A positive work environment
  • Timely, high-quality work
  • Cooperation and openness
  • Job satisfaction
  • Compliance with laws and regulations

More important: the office of the Inspector General is supposed to be totally non-political

Find the full story on Maggies Notebook **( Maggie’s Notebook (Maggie Thornton)

What did the Inspector General do to get canned by the President?  Well for  one thing he is investigating ACORN.  You all remember ACORN?  the President’s old employer and  the people who have been charged with voter registration fraud in several states?  ( And this is just the tip of the ACORN so to speak.)

The Inspector General’s Office is part of the Department of Commerce and one of the Inspector Generals Office’s most important jobs is to monitor the Census that is taken every 10 years.

Few Commerce activities have higher costs or more ambitious goals than the U.S. Census Bureau’s count of the U.S. population every 10 years. Because of the census’s cost, complexity, and importance to the nation, we closely monitor the bureau’s preparation for and conduct of decennial activities throughout each decade. Visit our Census Reading Room to view our reports on Census 2010 and 2000.

Now is it just a coincidence that this particular Inspector General is investigating ACORN and ACORN has been given a big chuck of the census taking job for 2010 by President Obama?  And that President Obama tried to move the oversight of the 2010 Census from the Commerce Department where it has always been and into the White House?  When Congress put up a fuss he backed off of this, but made it clear he intends to be very involved in the census.  I suppose part of that involvement is seeing to it that his favorite Census Takers are not too closely watched by the Inspector General’s Office; this only makes sense if your agenda is to see that the census count turns out as you would want it to and Obama manages to get what Obama wants by hook or by crook.

Inspector General Walpin also managed to find some hanky panky with other Obama supporters and donators to his campaign.  Maggie has the whole story and will be keeping up with the story as it unfolds so I will keep my readers posted on her reports as well as anything I personally come across.  Please go to Maggie’s site for much more on this story. **( Maggie’s Notebook (Maggie Thornton) BB

Just for the record: Am I the only person out there

who thinks this President is taking himself a bit too seriously?

Show of Hands please.

Go to fullsize image

Yes I do believe those are little old sheeps heads at the end of those fingers.  Seemed appropriate since our elected Congress seems to be going along with this President like sheep.  Of course they are herding us with them right down the muddy lane of socialism right where the shepherd wishes us to go.  BB

Promised Updates:

this story stinks to high Heaven.  Please see

1)         ** Always on Watch for story updates ALWAYS

2)  Obama’s Americorps scandal — and the First Lady’s meddling

Michelle Malkin  •  June 12, 2009 09:43 AM

3) Dan Cleary: Rahm Emanuel – The Gerrymander Czar

4 Responses to "President Obama Fires Inspector General Walpin for stepping on the wrong toes. (UPDATED)"

Thank you Always on Watch. I updated with your links also. Yes, as you say: this story stinks and I think it will get a whole lot more malodorous as the layers are peeled away. An onion that is rotten at it’s heart, and in this case the heart is President Obama and his mate. BB

Brenda, Is your reference to ACORN the connection of ACORN’s census role, or did you find another Walpin_ACORN tie? If it is the census connection, now that the census has been put under Rahm Emanuel’s control, will the IG still have the ability to investigate it?

This is such a wiley web:-)

My reference is to the ACORN census role and the voter registration investigations.

As to the IG still being allowed to investigate the ACORN census is a gray area. The way I understood Obama’s “compromise” after all the fuss was that the Commerce Department would still be charged with overseeing the census, but Rahm Emanuel would merely be the White House connection and oversee the Commerce Dept. overseeing the census. In other worlds, have the right to all information as to how the census is being conducted, but no authority to interfere. Of course then we know that Obama will interfere and it seems no one is willing to oppose him.

I can only hope that some group is taking him to court over this and let the courts decide if the President has the right to interfere in the Census in any way. But then the 2010 census will be over and it won’t matter as all the damage will have been done to the nation.

Maggie, you know how fast things are changing with Obama-rule so maybe Emanuel does have total control now and the Commerce Dept is out and I just missed that one. I admit fully that I simply can not keep up! Can you direct me to the information on Emanuels now being the Census top dog?

I can not now find the article or video where Obama seemed to be backing off on the WH taking over the census, but I do remember something like that happening. And my long term memory is still working thank God! Don’t get old Maggie; it is the pits for once intelligent people! BB

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