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War on Poverty a failure and a destroyer of human dignity

Posted on: August 7, 2013

Lyndon Johnson started the War on Poverty that simply pushed further the destruction of the United States started by Franklin Roosevelt.  When people are given their daily bread they will stand with their hands out and refuse to work for their daily bread.  This is where our government has been heading thru this century and has  finally found the ultimate destroyer of human dignity in Barack Obama.

The Bible days to teach a man to fish, not give a man a fish!   the War on Poverty gave a man a fish and required nothing of him but to eat the fish and grow lazy while demanding more and more from others.

One of the most egregious sins committed by Johnson’s war on poverty was the destruction of the Black family which of course lead to the total destruction of the Black culture and community.   One of the requirements for a family to get help was that there be no man in the household.  This caused the men to leave the family in order for the wife and children to get some form of welfare.  After  50 years we see the Black b babies born to single mothers going from 23% in 1965 to 70% in 2010!  We see the prison population at 72% Blacks while they are only 28% of the total population.  We see Black on Black murder and other crimes to the point where Black communities are actually war zones.  Go to any city in the United States and look at those cities Black communities before 1965 and  Johnson’s War on Poverty and you will see  vibrant active communities with many Black businesses and culture and LIFE.  Today you find slums.   ALL of this can be traced back to welfare and handouts from the government.

The following article is a brief history lesson on the programs that have destroyed  the initiative and  dignity of the American public.  BB

How Are We Losing the War on Poverty?

August 7, 2013 at 10:36 am

After trillions of dollars in welfare spending, “we’re losing the War on Poverty,” said Representative Paul Ryan (R–WI) last week.

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the famous “War on Poverty,” putting into place a multitude of government means-tested welfare programs and kicking off what has come to a five-decade total of nearly $20 trillion in federal and state welfare spending.

What has been the result? A poverty rate that has remained basically stagnant since the War on Poverty began.

Part of the reason welfare doesn’t have much impact on the poverty rate is that hardly any of the welfare benefits households receive are counted when calculating a household’s income. The poverty measure doesn’t really tell us very much about poverty. However, it does provide a good measure of self-sufficiency. While welfare has no doubt boosted living standards for recipients, self-sufficiency rates have remained virtually stagnant since the mid-1960s.

Eloise Anderson, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, testifying before Congress, touched on the human cost of a welfare system that fails to promote work:

Their talents and gifts are lost to the larger community. And what’s important is the spirit of the human, and if we have people just taking, they lose their spirit; they don’t become integrated into the community. So the giving of programs and money is not the answer to human dignity.

Of the roughly 80 federally funded means-tested welfare programs, only a handful include any type of work requirement. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, created under the 1996 welfare reform act, did insert a work requirement into the largest cash welfare program. But the Obama Administration took it upon itself last year to bypass the lawby allowing states to waive work requirements. The Administration has also been issuing waivers to allow states to bypass work requirements for able-bodied adults receiving food stamps. Anderson continues:

I’m pleading with you: don’t waive the [TANF] work requirement. It is so vital for when people are coming in to know that something’s expected out of them. I don’t think that we can go back to the notion that when you come in to get a service, nothing’s expected out of you.

Welfare should be based on the principle of self-sufficiency. It should encourage opportunity rather than government dependence. Instead of continuing the same failed path of anti-poverty policies, lawmakers should reform welfare to encourage work.

“We should focus on results,” stated Ryan at the hearing. “We should focus on how many people get off public assistance—because they have a good job.”

Posted in Family and Religion [slideshow_deploy]

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2 Responses to "War on Poverty a failure and a destroyer of human dignity"

Thank you for the referred site dw. Much said and very much truth in the saying! BB

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