And So I Go: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Posts Tagged ‘Federal communications Committee (FCC)

Dear Readers, I have backed off on my postings because I have been so busy getting into my new home.  Unpacking boxes is actually more work than packing them! and I am  not really up to the job but just keep slowly plunging ahead.  Plan to have my home in some kind of liveable order this time next year.   So am surely watching the news and keeping up my reading but not posting as much.  This particular piece I thought you as computer nuts like me would be of  interest to you.   It’s getting really really bad people and  and we are in a deep depression because of this Obamanation policies.  The only reason there are no bread lines like in the 1930’s is because we now have Social Security, unemployment Comp up to 99 weeks,  food stamps and all kinds of social programs.  the fact that the money to pay for these things is being borrowed from China and India seems to be of no real concern to anyone.  In fact the mobs lining up for food stamps in Philadelphia the other night don’t know this fact and surely don’t care.   They will be the mobs that cause the riots that  Yuri Bezmenov   (  Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB agent on bringing Communism to America )    talks about in his outline of how America will be defeated.  Obamanation is taking over and contr4olling us now people.BB

Grassfire Nation Update

Dear Concerned Patriot,

Late last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
took what is being called “the final step” towards implementing
their illegal Net Neutrality regulations.

You may recall, that back on December 21, the FCC bypassed
government regulations and seized control of the Internet —
delivering what many believe is a knockout blow to one of
the last, great free-market frontiers our nation and the
world has ever seen.

According to the organization Less Government, regardless
of a multiple lawsuits, a move by the House of Representatives
and a D.C. Circuit Court unanimously ruling that the FCC
had no authority to take control, the fed is still
arrogantly pushing forward toward full implementation of
their Net Neutrality regulations on November 20!

The FCC’s Net Neutrality regulations would be job-killers —
likely stifling the $30 billion annually that investors
pour into Internet development and advancement and hundreds
of thousands of jobs.

And that’s not the worst of it… As we warned several months
ago, these regulations will lead to the FCC’s control Web

Should we expect anything less?

Considering government growth and control is surging while
private sector job opportunities continue shrinking! Now
Americans are in danger of losing their free speech rights
through this latest FCC Net Neutrality power-grab!

+ + A Grassroots Call to Action!

The only way to stop this runaway train is for grassroots
Americans to appeal to the Senate to move quickly to pass
a Congressional Review Act (CRA) Resolution that would
effectively kill the illegal, job-killing Net Neutrality

Patriot, with more than 100,000 petitions already in hand,
Grassfire Nation is asking members of our team to add their
name if they have not yet signed. Additionally, by forwarding

this message to your friends, networks, and family members.

To sign right now click here:

With your help, we anticipate delivering 150,000 petitions
or more in the week ahead as we work together to stop the
federal takeover of the Internet!

Again, after signing, please alert your friends and family members.

Since this has not been publicized by the liberal media, many
Internet users are likely unaware of the huge threat looming
overhead. You can help change that by sending this message
to them and encouraging them to take action with you by
clicking below.

To sign our petition to “Stop the Fed Takeover of the
Internet,” click here:

Thank you for your outstanding efforts.

Grassfire Nation and Patriot Action Network

2012 is the Tea Party’s Year… 

No More Obama!

The Tea Party is claiming 2012 as our year to overhaul excessive

government! We made astronomical strides in 2010….

2012 is OUR YEAR!

The Gadsden snake coiled around the 1 of the 12 symbolizing “2012”

as the year of the Tea Party and the 0 contains the NoBama symbol!

Leave no doubt where you stand as the epic 2012 cycle gets into full

swing with the “Don’t Tread On Me” 2012 bumper sticker and t-shirt.
Order two of our exclusive bumper stickers featuring the

“Don’t Tread On Me” snake from the historic Gadsden Flag

which has become the symbol of the Tea Party movement…

for just $5

Get Two Stickers FREE…

When You Order The “Don’t Tread 2012” T-Shirt!

Order the “Don’t Tread 2012” T-Shirt for just $20 and we’ll

include two bumper stickers as our gift to you.
Order Here Now!
This is a great way to let others know where you stand

as this epic 2012 cycle heats up!

Order Here Now!

Need help spreading the word?

A Patriot’s Guide to Surviving in
Obama’s America …

Click for larger image and to
see the back cover.

Hailed as a transformational figure who swept into the White House on promises of change, Barack Hussein Obama is doing just that – recasting the nation of Washington and Jefferson into his own socialist image … An image and philosophy that is already exacting a devastating cost to our land and its people … and he’s only just begun. What change lays ahead for you, your family, your children and your country?

Grassfire’s researchers have analyzed 21 key areas Obama has targeted for change and compiled the findings in Obama Exposed — a stark, yet compelling 64-page booklet that identifies the specific ways Obama plans on re-shaping our nation in his own statist image. From his plan to redistribute your wealth, to silencing the conservative voice, to undermining faith, family and liberties through expanded government control, conservatives need to know what to expect and how to respond in the critical months ahead.

Take a sneak peek by clicking here.

Order Your Copy of Obama Exposed Today
For just $10, Grassfire will rush you two copies of Obama Exposed — keep one and hand the other off to a friend. If you are planning to attend a Tea Party event and need additional copies to distribute, we have three options below:

Tea Pak — 10 copies of Obama Exposed for $20
Tea Party Rally Pak – 50 copies of Obama Exposed for $50

Tea Party Super Pak – 100 copies of Obama Exposed for $75 

Order today, Click Here Now

Stand With The Tea Party Against The Left’s Hostile Attacks

Free Gift For Taking A Stand

When you take a personal stand against the attacks on the Tea Party,

we’ll send you two “I Am The Tea Party” key tags as our free gift—one to

keep and one to share. The front side boldly states, “I Am The Tea

Party,” while the reverse features the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag which has

become the symbol of our movement.

Click Here to sign now

Free Speech at Stake:
P.S. Again, if you are concerned about the loss of your Free
Speech Rights with the federal takeover of the Internet,
speak up by signing our petition today:

Click here to take fast action:

Visit Patriot Action Network at:

UPDATE:  March 19, 2010

The FTC on Steroids: Will the ‘National Nanny’ Take Over the Internet and the New Information Economy?

Posted by Jim Harper

Writing on the TechLiberationFront blog, Berin Szoka warns of the extensive Internet regulation that could come with huge grants of authority to the Federal Trade Commission in H.R. 4173, the “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009.”

Congress is about to reinvent the FTC as the “National Nanny” it was well on its way to becoming back in the 1970s.  Today, the FTC is not merely the general overseer of our economy, but the key regulator of the Internet.  If the Senate passes Rep. Frank’s bill with its so-called “improvements” to the FTC Act, future generations will look back and wonder why, without even taking the time to consider what it was doing, Congress radically transformed Internet governance as an afterthought to financial regulatory overhaul.

The Obama administration and his communist inspired FCC  czar Mark Lloyd have all kinds of plans to take over the media including the Internet.   I am only surprised its taking them this long to get around to it because usually the media  and all means of getting information to the public is the first thing a tyrant wants to control.  If anything defeats the health care reform bill it will be the Internet.   If anything saves the nation from Obama it will be the Internet.   FOXNEWS is the only news station proving even a semblance of the truth to the public but if not for the Internet and bloggers commenting about FOXNEWS it would not have gained the natiuonal recognition that it has.

Like all their ‘changes” they have given this planned take over a benevolent purpose:

(The Obama administration)  implementing a national “broadband plan” to redefine the media and transform America’s system of government. It’s designed, they say, to provide “open government and civic engagement.” But it looks increasingly like an excuse for the federal government to control the Internet and access to information and even tell us what is truth.

Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute recently explained at a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) “National Broadband Plan Workshop” that it is necessary to have “a common space with shared facts.” Armed with $7.2 billion of “stimulus” money, the federal government is going to provide this. It looks like various progressive groups are lining up at the public trough for their share of the loot. They have in mind what the George Soros-funded Free Press calls “an alternative media infrastructure.”

“What we really need in this country,” Lloyd says, “is… a competitive alternative to commercial broadcasting” that would be supported by the public and “fully financed.”

It sounds suspiciously like the “new public square” is the “public option” for the media. But so far there seems to be little debate or even discussion over what they have in store for us, and how they have already obtained $7.2 billion for this extreme makeover not only of our media but our system of government.

More good news on this topic:  Net Discrimination

n October 22nd, the FCC voted on a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding open internet practices. According to Commissioner McDowell, the premise behind the new rules-as outlined by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski-is that the “internet is broken and government must fix it.” This draft, said McDowell, focuses on “adding a non-discrimination requirement to the four net neutrality principles that came out in the summer of 2005,” emphasizing the fact that, as of yet, the requirements have been uncodified principles, not regulations.

The FCC, additionally, is supposed to present a national broadband plan to Congress on February 17th, 2010, a plan which McDowell admits is not nearly formed. This new broadband plan could cost anywhere from $20 billion to $150 billion, he said. “We may present this plan to Congress, whatever it is going to look like, with a big price tag on it to be funded by the private sector, and the private sector does not show up.”

UPDATE:  March 19, 2010

The FTC on Steroids: Will the ‘National Nanny’ Take Over the Internet and the New Information Economy?

Posted by Jim Harper

Writing on the TechLiberationFront blog, Berin Szoka warns of the extensive Internet regulation that could come with huge grants of authority to the Federal Trade Commission in H.R. 4173, the “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009.”

Congress is about to reinvent the FTC as the “National Nanny” it was well on its way to becoming back in the 1970s.  Today, the FTC is not merely the general overseer of our economy, but the key regulator of the Internet.  If the Senate passes Rep. Frank’s bill with its so-called “improvements” to the FTC Act, future generations will look back and wonder why, without even taking the time to consider what it was doing, Congress radically transformed Internet governance as an afterthought to financial regulatory overhaul.

­­Glenn Beck Targets Pro-Marxist at FCC

This really is a must read article.  People need to understand how Marxist this man really is  and just exactly what he is planning to do to broadcast radio.  And make no mistake, once freedom of speech in one area is crushed athen they will be coming for you in your schools, churches and homes.

2005 testimony that Lloyd provided to a congressional forum…raises even more questions about his totalitarian mind-set and background.

Raising new concerns about another controversial Obama Administration official, testimony has surfaced from Mark Lloyd, the new Associate General Counsel and Chief Diversity Officer of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in which he praises Paul Robeson, the communist actor and singer who was an apologist for Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin.

Declaring that media bias “led to the persecution of Paul Robeson and the promotion of Joe McCarthy,” Lloyd tried to convey the impression that Robeson had been unfairly targeted by anti-communist congressional investigations, perhaps by Senator McCarthy himself, and that the media had been part of the process. The Lloyd testimony is available on video or in somewhat separate form as a prepared statement.

While Robeson deserved praise for his artistic talents, there is no excuse at this late date for ignorance about Robeson’s real record not only as a secret member of the Communist Party USA but as an apologist for communist tyranny. Lloyd’s comments suggest that he would have preferred that the media not make an issue of Robeson’s involvement in an international movement that has cost the lives of more than 100 million people.

At a 2008 “media reform” conference sponsored by the George Soros-funded Free Press organization, Lloyd declared that the Marxist revolution in Venezuela under Chavez was “incredible” and “dramatic” but that the “property owners and the folks who were then controlling the media in Venezuela rebelled” against the would-be dictator and supported a coup against him. However, Lloyd said that Chavez wised up and “then started to take the media seriously…”

The implication of these remarks is that Chavez dealt with his opponents in the media by trying to control or silence them, and that Lloyd supports that strategy when dealing with opponents of revolutionary Marxism here in the U.S.\

Lloyd’s May 24, 2005, testimony came before Conyers, the “people’s congressman,” as a member of a left-wing panel entitled “Media Bias and the Future of Freedom of the Press.” The members of the panel and their affiliations at the time were:

  • Al Franken, the Al Franken Show on Air America Radio, author of Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.
  • David Brock, founder of Media Matters.
  • Randi Rhodes, the Randi Rhodes Show on Air America Radio.
  • Joe Madison, The Black Eagle Radio Show.
  • Justin Webb, Senior Washington Correspondent of BBC News.
  • Eric Alterman, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.
  • Steve Rendall, media watchdog group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting).
  • John Aravosis, America Blog.
  • Mark Lloyd, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.

It is noteworthy that Lloyd has followed the same path to an Obama Administration job as communist Van Jones, now the “Green Jobs Czar” at the White House Office of Environmental Quality. Jones, too, had worked at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress.

Significantly, Lloyd’s official FCC bio notes that he was the General Counsel of the Benton Foundation. This is the group, as we noted in an AIM Report “The Plan for Government-Funded Socialist Media,” that “is spearheading efforts to get the federal ‘stimulus’ money into the hands of ‘progressive” groups and state and local governments.”

It is apparent that Lloyd believes that new taxpayer-funded “public media” should replace private media companies that he believes have violated the public trust and which stand in the way of the Obama revolution.

“Our communication system supports a vibrant commercial media but ignores the needs of a government of the people,” he said. “The bias inherent in such a system promotes the agenda of corporations not citizens.”

He went on, “If we really want news we can trust, we must create a structure that makes it possible and we must pay for it. One way to do this is to require commercial media to pay full fare for their access to public resources and use that money to fully support public service media in the U.S.”

The appointment of Lloyd, who had also served as the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights/ Education Fund, was announced on July 29 by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski.

Like the Van Jones position, Lloyd was not subject to Senate confirmation.

However, Senator Charles Grassley sent an August 14 letter to Genachowski, questioning the appointment and Lloyd’s views.

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